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I called a few people this week, whether it was from my professional background or from people I had hired last year, or people who have advised me about my job. Some of them were hired in the six-figure sector following long-term unemployment, some were still unemployed and some were found to be working, but extremely unaccounted for. I called them to see how they are doing and wish them happy new year. Happy New Year Wishes for If there is a group that wants a new year, these are the last two groups! An unemployed person touched my heart the most and they called me before they called me! Let me share a part of their story.

He was a man who made $ 300,000 dollars a year ago, but had to resort to a job that now makes him $ 2,300 a month. He told me that one thing had changed when I last talked to him in September, when he lost a house, moved into an apartment with both of his children, and then filed for bankruptcy and marriage. Which he has now officially closed. He told me that he never thought he would need social services to feed his children, but that he needed some kind of standard care for routines; It goes without medical care.

This person is 45 years old. Most of the men I talk to seem to be in this age group. Paid in the past and not now, they are all trying to figure out how to get back. I listen to it often. "Linda, how do I get back to where I was or half way from where I was?" I have no definitive answer and they appreciate that I do not make false promises to them. This man was not different in this regard, but he was different in every other way. Let me share that with you too.

He called me to wish him Happy New Year. He told me with all sincerity that he had learned to live a very short life and it is amazing how he put up a roof with his head and food money. He said, "I am grateful for my health and the health of my children, we have each other and we now have time to rejoice." "In the end, I don't have enough money to do anything other than eat with family, play in the evening and watch a movie on TV," he whispered. Merry Christmas wishes for "I should be very grateful," he concluded.

I asked him, "What will you do if you get a job of 300,000 next year? What would you do if given another chance?" He replied very quickly, "I'll never get Starbucks coffee on my lips that needs it! I won't go on a foreign vacation every year, as I'm addicted, I treat everything differently, I do a lot Will do. " Appreciate more. "But still less can do." He concludes: "Ironically, I've found that I have to bring myself closer to my children and that is really important, but don't get me wrong, I'm still trying to find a job that pays more ! " He was happy he was finished, he was optimistic, he wished me a happy new year, he is a man who always thinks of others.

I thought to myself: "This is the only man happy for the new year!" After thinking something I realized something else. 2011 helped them figure out what's important to them, how to live with fewer people, what's important in life, and appreciate what they really care about. Perhaps 2011 was a new year in disguise, which gives it a foundation to appreciate all that life has to offer in the years to come. Perhaps 2011 has given this man a new and real meaning in the words of Happy New Year.

So this man and all those women and men who were in difficult situations last year: "Happy New Year!" For the rest of us? Let us remember what we have, but more importantly, appreciate the love that we have in our lives… I doubt it will be just money or a job. I thank this person for calling and reminding me of the most important things in a good new year. To everyone I say: "Happy New Year!".